Processed Carbs Can Increase Food Cravings
This is a very important finding that we all need to keep in mind whenever we decide to eat any highly processed food. If you are one of the many that find it hard to control your food cravings, then one reason may be that you are eating too much highly refined and processed foods, especially those with refined carbohydrates. Refined carbs, in the form of sugar, corn syrup, and white flour are especially culpable. A reason why this maybe the case is that the human body, and mind in terms of the brain's food pleasure and "fullness" receptors have not evolved or caught up fast enough to the rapid advancement of processed food. Thus processed foods can have more concentrated carbohydrates packed in, which for most of human history was never the case until recently. Thus the human body has not developed adequete counter-measures to such excesses in carbohydrates to tell you have had too much, which only brings up more cravings. In fact the cravings for more processed food is similar to the same cravings that drug addicts experience! But knowing this will, at the very least help you to understand where your food cravings are coming from, and at best to help you cut down on processed foods, which can help you lose any unwanted weight.